Good Times and Boxed Whine

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Another week down!

Another week down on this new change of life and I must say I feel so much better on this diet than I do off. All the bloating and chest feeling congested is gone. Don't get me wrong I still have my aches and pains due to my Scleroderma but it's nothing that I was feeling when I was in Key West and the week after we got home. That all could relate to the alcohol I was consuming but I am starting to believe that this diet/herb thing really is a big help to me. I actually even worked out 3 times this week. Go me!!! My works out aren't nothing what a normal person does but hey its something and at least I had the energy to do that. So my new weight is 142.0 which means I've lost 12.8 pounds since on this diet. 5 more pounds and I will be within my ideal weight for my height so that is my goal and anything after that will be considered a bonus. So I'm pretty happy about the weight loss and the fact that I'm starting to feel a little bit better with my body image. I wished that this new lifestyle of mine would help me breath better but hey at least if I have too one day get a transplant, I was told you have too be within 20% of your ideal weight so I will at least be there with the weight thing.

Last night I watched Transamerica, and I must say it was a STRANGE movie. It got a lot of hype during the Oscars last year so I got it on Netflix. Ummm, if you haven't seen it I don't think you really need to get it. I found it sort of sad and way out there. I mean way out there. It has nothing too do with the whole gay thing either because I am not phobic by any means, I even own Brokeback Mountain but this movie just was well I guess different and sad. I mean with the sex change and all. That actually wasn't even the part that bothered me, it was more the whole son having sex with men for money and drugs. It was sad that he had to do that too survive. I don't know I just thought he needed a lot of support and counseling. Poor kid. I know there are kids like that in the world I just feel so bad for them.

Ok enough, I'm not going to have a movie ruin my good day. It was just a movie Carmen. Stop It!!! Ok I have to run and fold laundry AGAIN. Man I hate laundry. It's never ending.

Until later,
Carmen San Diego

3 Things I'm happy for:
  1. being 12.8 pounds lighter.
  2. sleeping in even.
  3. the cup of coffee had this morning, it's got me wired enough to fold the mountain of laundry I need to fold.


  • At 10:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I'm glad you're feeling good and that you gave the herbs/ and diet a good chance. Anything that helps you feel better is a good thing!


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