Good Times and Boxed Whine

Monday, January 15, 2007

3 things and an If

3 things I'm happy about today:
  1. Having the day off.
  2. Reflecting on what Martin Luther King Day stands for and if he was alive would be be happy with what the world looks like now. Today a good day for reflection.
  3. Going to bed early.


If you were to pick the one child you know who you would predict to be the most successful in life, who would it be? This is a hard one, although you would think that I'd pick my own son. I sadly don't think that he has the drive to become the "most" successful. Lord hopefully he'll prove me wrong but looking at him now I don't see him doing more than what is asked of him. So, I think I would have to pick Stevie or Alex and I'm thinking more Stevie only because I think men have a better change at becoming successful because a lot of today's society still looks down at women. I think either one of these kids have the drive, smarts, skills and determination to do what ever it is to succeed and if they continue the path that they are going on now I don't see either of them having any trouble being successful adults.


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