Good Times and Boxed Whine

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Day one

Well I woke up this morning looking forward to my first day of the rest of my life. I am actually still very exciting about this "alternative medicine" and am staying very positive. So, I did my least favorite thing possible; I got on the scale. Not before I peed of course but I still kept my pj's on which is a first for me when I weight myself at home. This might be a bit of "TMI" but I usually wont even hop on the scale at home unless I've had a BM. HA Ha!!! I figured anything to make the scale go down a bit is better for me. So like I said before I shared too much of my personal life, I had my morning pee, and got on the scale with clothes on and it read...... All honesty here 154.8. Not good but trust me I've seen worse. I was a little happy but not overjoyed by the number, because I haven't been exercising at all in a few months. I can actually count the times on one hand that I exercised, which is not like me at all but hey neither is wearing O2. So after I got the scale out of the way I decided it was time to start taking the herbal pills. I decided to crush them a little because they were extremely hard and I was afraid that I would chip a tooth trying to chew them up. I decided to take all three at the same time. In they went and the gag reflux kicked in. It's hard to explain what it tasted like but I'm sure it was close to something you'd eat on Fear Factor. To me it tasted like I was eating a cigarette. And the smell that I thought I smelled from my breath smelled like a "Head Shop". I actually asked Michael what my breath smelled like and he said it smelled like cloves and gum so like I said I felt like I was eating a cigarette just I guess it was a "clove cigarette." I got it down after a few tries and then flushed it with the 4 oz. of water I'm allowed to have with it. The pills stayed down, I didn't throw them up and so far 10 hours later I haven't had any weird side effects from it. I don't feel any better from taking the herbs but again its the first day and didn't really expect anything to happy right away.

So we brought my list of foods to the grocery store and loaded our cart, with blueberries, salmon, grapes, chicken, cashews, apples, turkey and many many other things that were allowed on the diet and that I enjoy eating. 156.00 later our house is diet friendly and I am thrilled about starting. I must say I am very proud of myself. Today Dominic and Mike ate things in front of me that in past diets I would of been like "Well one bite wont hurt, or just maybe a little and that's it." But I was very good and haven't cheated at all. Even today at Dominic's football game (which they lost 21-0 poor guys) when the temptation to eat the loaded fries, or the nachos or snickers bar were there I simply ate my banana and sucked on my sunflower seeds (both allowed on the diet). Poor Dominic keeps forgetting not to ask me if I want things and he'll go "Hey mom you want these cheese its (one of my favorite snacks), or hey mom want a piece of bubblegum?" But something is in me this time around that I'm not cheating and actually haven't really wanted to. I am going to try, try, try not to cheat and to give this a fair 3 month trail.

Now on the way home from Dominic's game my car broke down (overheated and actually left us stranded on the highway) Thank God for cell phones and AAA. I was so stressed because we just got it back about a month ago from being in the shop for two weeks, all I could do was think of that glass of wine I'm going to have once I got home. I had figured since I was so good with my eating I could have a glass of wine to relieve the stress (I'm not suppose to have alcohol on this diet, but he said a glass of wine here and there is ok). You'll be happy though I didn't I decided to instead take some deep breaths and turn to my hot water that I'm suppose to be drinking instead of wine, and decided to write in here to forget how much that wine sounds so good right now. Actually it still does sound good now that I think of it but don't want to blow my good day so far.

So, I'm doing good. I'm determined and Mike is giving me lots of support and help to stick to it. I plan on starting my short walks know matter what with Caya tomorrow and the Yoga will begin on Monday when I have the house to myself in the day. It's really hard to relax and focus when you have Caya at your head, Dominic asking you questions and Mike looking at me in a way when I'm in certain poses that again would be sharing "TMI" that I'd rather end it with that. So as far as yoga goes its a "home alone" exercise in this house, if I really want to get something out of it that is.

I'll keep you posted on my days to come. I am going to weigh in every Saturday, maybe sharing my weight on the Wide World Web will make me have more will power than I have had on other diets in the past. Sort of like a Weight Watchers meeting or the big scale on Biggest Loser.

Until I can think of something else too write,
Carmen San Diego


  • At 7:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    totally cracking up at "Head Shop"

  • At 6:58 AM, Blogger Rachel White said…

    I also wait until I have gone to the bathroom....every little bit counts!!! I even wait until I have dried my hair because I figure wet hair weighs more than dry!!! :)

    Good luck! You are giving me the inspiration I need to stay on my diet!! So, thank you!


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