Good Times and Boxed Whine

Sunday, April 15, 2007

What is your favorite time of year?

My favorite time of year is during the summer, when the weather is hot and the days are long. I enjoy this time of year the most because I am off of work and so is my son from school, so it gives us a lot of quality time together. We get to enjoy staying up late watching TV or movies, sleeping in and then spending the afternoons in the pool or at the beach.
The smell of chlorine or seaweed almost helps me forget that I am sick and so I enjoy for that moment as long as I can. I like laying around in our intertubes in the pool talking about what to cook for dinner, Caya our dog and betting if Michael will come out and join us or take a nap because he is tired from work. Usually the nap wins because unlike us in the summers his job continues.
Summer is my favorite time of year because in the distance I can hear the ice cream truck going in and out of the streets, children playing and BBQ's grilling. It just reminds me so much of time well spent with family and friends. I also go from red wine to Margarita's, rum (dark) and cokes and cold beer which is always refreshing on a hot day.
Summer is the time for family vacations rather they be just weekend get-a-ways, or planned long trips to visit family, friends or a city we haven't been to yet. It reminds me of one of my favorite holidays 4Th of July, due to the fireworks and sparklers.
Summer is also my favorite time of year because it's the beginning of football season for my son. Which means we are extremely busy 6 days a week with practice and games but as a parents it's so exciting to see him out in the field and trying his best not just for us his parents but for his coach and teammates. He really is a good player and I am not just a proud parent bragging.
Summer is also my favorite time of year because my birthday falls in the summer and every birthday that passes is another year I have lived to be with my family and it's another year I have beat this disease. To me it's sort of like "Ha Ha, I'm winning" kind of victory I have every time I get to blow out the 2 candles with the numbers (don't even try the 30+ candles anymore LOL).
Summer is awesome for so many reasons and now I just have to sit back and count the 65 days (I think) until my summer finally begins.

3 Things I'm Thankful for:
  1. Pastor Tony emailing me to tell me they now have service on Sunday nights at 6pm which is a much better time for us, since Sunday is the only days we get to sleep in and I'm always so winded in the morning.
  2. Rainy days like today so none of us have an excuse why we aren't doing anything other than laying around.
  3. My husband because even though he is in a lot of pain he still tries to make sure I am doing ok as well. Got to love that man!!!


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