What I've learned these past few days.
So I sent out one of these questionnaire things to everyone I know just about, and they are suppose to answer questions about me. Maybe you've got one of these before, but it's like what's my middle name, what do I do for fun, best moment you remember of me and so forth. So actually everyone that sent it back to me did pretty well and knew me pretty well but I'm a little concerned that everyone mentioned how much wine I drink. Then I even named my new blog good times and box whine (hence wine but I decided to be a little different) and I actually am writing (typing) this as I am drinking a glass of wine. So my concern is maybe I drink to much wine. Maybe I'm a alcoholic? I always joke that I'm a drunk not an alcoholic because I'm not a quitter (get it?) but maybe I should really evaluate the whole situation. I mean I think I'm fun and have a good time and actually everyone did mention I was a great friend and had great memories of me but they all mentioned wine. I'm starting to get a complex though. I honestly don't drink to much I don't think, I don't ever get that drunken feeling well I shouldn't say never because if we ever have a house party then I do let myself have more than my "glass" of wine but rarely do I ever get drunk so to say like I did in my early 20's. So I'm just a bit concerned that maybe my friends think I'm a big drunk or something. I don't think I am, but I must admit I do enjoy my wine. Can I live with out it? Yes. Do I want to? No not really because I enjoy it. Does that mean I'm addicted to alcohol? I'm not sure. I know I don't need it, I just enjoy it. I don't ever call in sick because I'm hung over or smell like booze the next day or anything like that, that comes to mind when I think of a drunk, but I'm wondering what is the first sign of alcoholism? Is it enjoying a glass of wine with dinner most nights? Have I passed the first step? I'm not sure. So I'm actually going to sign off now, finish my "glass" of wine and think hard about what my friends wrote in that questionnaire.
Mood: confused
feeling: very tired. TGIF.
Mood: confused
feeling: very tired. TGIF.
At 10:28 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Carmen - I have the new address and I will update it.
I think having a glass or two of wine each day is not a bad thing. If you enjoy it, if it relaxes you, and if you're still able to function.. that's fine. If you find it's taking control over you, then you might have a problem.
From what you've said - you can live without it - I don't think you have a problem. Don't worry about it.
At 10:10 AM,
Carmen San Diego said…
You're right. I don't think I am at the point where I need to look into the step program of AA. But maybe I'll cut back a bit during the week, all though I did some research last night and it said a glass a night of red wine is better than have 2 or 3 on the weekend. So pretty much that is what I have been doing but I think I'm just gonna stop a bit and then try and eat a little better as well. As the song says "These hips don't lie" LOL. Thanks for your comment.
At 6:49 AM,
Anonymous said…
Carmen - you're fine. Sometimes it's good to have input from your friends about your life. But they don't live your life or walk in your shoes.
Another thing about wine. It is great for the heart and blood in moderation - but it does also turn to sugar later on. So that could be adding to your hips issues.
Just a thought.
At 10:46 AM,
Carmen San Diego said…
Yes, I think once we get back from our vacation. The whole family is going on a diet. We've finally moved in and are done. So we no longer need to be ordering take out all the time. So we are goig to be cuting back on food and alcohol intake. Thanks for your comment.
At 6:09 PM,
Rex White said…
Take it from someone who has questioned himself for years (ever since that get-out-the-Navy thing) you don't sound like someone has a problem. I've come to realize that I like to have a drink - I even like to have a drink once a day. But I don't drink anywhere near the way I used to when I was younger. I keep it in check. I've gone weeks without drinking, and although I MISS it, I don't feen for it or have the shakes. You keep yourself balanced (the way you were doing when you made this post - self-examination) and you'll be fine. Nothing wrong with being aware. But you're fine.
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