Good Times and Boxed Whine

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Week Two

Well I have been on my diet exactly how the doc ordered only cheating once with a bell pepper (is that really cheating?) for the chili I made last week. I am actually calling it a lifestyle now because the word Diet freaks me out and I usually quit diets. So over all it was very challenging because there was a few times that I got Dominic fast food and me nothing and a few time he had friends over and I ordered them pizza but nothing again for me. It is really hard when you don't have much time to cook to just "grab something quick", like pizza rolls (one of my downfalls), microwave dishes and what not. I'm sure there is some microwave dishes out there that I can have I just need to simply research it a bit more. Everyone I've come across has dairy or wheat products that I'm not allowed right now.

So I didn't start this diet to lose weight, even though I know I am about 25 pounds over weight. I started it because I really wanted to try another approach to my disease and see if this naturalist lifestyle can help me. So saying that, I will say that I haven't felt any big drastic change in my breathing. I still feel winded when I would be winded and still have to use my oxygen through out the day, BUT my morning cough is going away. It started on day three. I still have it but not as extreme as before. Actually its a little looser so I think all that junk that was sitting in my lungs if stating to disappear. Anyways drum roll please. I down to .... 151.8 so I lost 3 pounds in a week. I'm excited about that. I think I lost it in my butt because I can't seem to keep my pants up. LOL!!!

So considering the news I got yesterday, I am trying to get over that and enjoy my 3 pound lose.
Until I can think of something else to write.

Carmen San Diego.


  • At 8:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Weight loss, bonus!
    I pray for strength for you to get through these next months.

  • At 2:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…


    I'm so sorry you're going through this, and your husband wasn't there to help on your bad Friday the 13th! I'm glad your morning cough is better, and the weight loss is great! Your body could be giving you signs with those! I hope they are signs, and you'll continue to feel better every day!

  • At 5:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hey Carmen,
    I'm sorry about your bad news. I don't know what to say, I hope and pray everything goes well for you.

  • At 9:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Keep up the good work, Carmen!!


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