Good Times and Boxed Whine

Saturday, December 02, 2006

10 pounds lighter

I have lost 10 pounds in 9 weeks on this diet/herb plan. I didn’t originally start this for a weight lose program, but it seems that that is the only thing that is really occurring. I can’t really tell if my lungs look any different because I don’t have any CT scans or anything any time soon, but I can tell you I don’t feel any different breathing wise. It’s a little discouraging because I was wishing for a miracle but hey I’m happy with the weight lose. That alone is a great thing. I’ve been trying to lose weight for over 2 years and had finally given in and decided that I was just going to be a “chunky momma”. I never considered myself “fat” but I could always lose a few pounds This plan I’m on has been a challenge and I must say I have cheated more often lately than in the beginning but I pay for it each time.

Examples are: Thanksgiving week. As you can tell I skipped week 8. I may have been smaller it wasn’t that I fell off the wagon while my family was here. I blew the day we went wine tasting, but who could resist bake brie? Not me obviously. Brie is one of my favorite “comfort food.” Then later that night in our drunken stupor we ordered pizza and breadsticks and I believe I ate most if not all the breadsticks. We also went to Benihana’s while they were here but that was the one day I didn’t feel well. I was very winded that day and thought about even canceling at one time but didn’t. I took my cough medicine with codeine, and a half of a Valium and things got a bit better. Sad I have to rely on those things sometimes but it’s rare that I have too. I love Benihana’s and was so looking forward too their rice and what not, but when ever I take either one of those medicines I loose my appetite. So I actually only ate my salad and soup and bagged my dinner for us to eat the next day. Let’s not forget Thanksgiving dinner. I had every intention to overeat that day and said “its ok today, just get back on track tomorrow.” But for some reason I don’t really remember eating all that much. No wait… I remember now. I was too busy drinking Champagne with shots of raspberry vodka in them and wine. That’s right I drank my Thanksgiving dinner. LOL!!! Then stayed up until 1:30 am with Michael, my parents and friends Yvonne and Eric. That’s right. It’s all starting to come back to me. Good Times!!! So now you can see why I didn’t weigh myself during week 8. I fell off the wagon big time.

Oh I almost forgot. My brain things that it still wants certain foods. The other day, I think it was Wednesday. I craved Lobster raviolis. I couldn’t get it out of my head and nothing sounded good but that. So since I’ve been on this diet I’ve giving myself Saturdays to sort of eat what I want but it really hasn’t been too crazy. Maybe a piece of chocolate, popcorn and/or an extra glass of wine. Anyway, I said since I can’t get this craving out of my head I’ll be bad today and not bad on Saturday. I was so exciting I was almost singing to them when I ate them. Man they were so good at first. Then after like the 5th one (dish came with 8) I just started feeling really full; probably because they come with a rose creamy sauce, but I was starting to regret eating them. I had the worst stomach ache. And of course anyone who has overeaten knows what happens once the stomach ache kicks in so I will save you the rest of the gross details. I will tell you Lobster raviolis are no longer on my top 5 of foods. In fact most pasta is out now. I’ve tried them a few times since this diet and each time that happens. I can’t tell if it’s the cheese or the wheat or a combo of both because pizza bothers me as well but not nearly as bad as the pasta does. So when does my brain stop thinking it wants something when it really doesn’t? I don’t want to go through that again. I’ve done it to myself about 3 times since on this diet and I can’t seem to control myself.

I’m back on track feel great about the weight lose. The only bummer is that I only own size 12 pants. They are all way to big now. I can really only wear 2 pairs of jeans and a skirt. So , I thought I’d so and buy a few pairs of pants so I don’t look like a Hobo in my clothes and I’m at some weird stage. 12’s are too big and 10’s are too tight. They fit but they are a little bit to snug for my taste. I need too rather lose more weight and then go shopping or they need to find a size 10 ½!!!

I go back to the Tibet doctor and I am going to probably not make a follow up after that visit. I think that I’ll be able to lose the weight with out the herbs if I stick to the diet alone. Since I haven’t seen any drastic change in my breathing I will not pay to see him and get the herbs. I am bummed about it not working for me or me not actually feeling any different but maybe it’s too late for me when it comes too alternative medicine. Maybe I need too focus on just staying as healthy as I can for as long as I can and then pray, hope that I qualify for a double lung transplant and that that will be my cure. I know a transplant is not a cure but if it gives me longer to live with my family and friends then I’m all for what ever operation I need too do.

Until later.

Carmen San Diego


  • At 3:10 PM, Blogger haggardmom said…

    Well, it's probably not any consolation LOL, but it took a long time for my brain to finally let go of certain foods...several months.


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