Good Times and Boxed Whine

Sunday, July 23, 2006

The TV talks to me.

Ok, for anyone who doesn't know this, when I'm in bed I am a flipper of channels. Unless one of my shows are on I flip the channels all night long. I have a hard time sleeping through the night. I rarely get a good 6 straight hours of sleep. I'm not sure if its my meds., my acid reflux, my breathing, stress, insomnia or just a combo of all the above, but I can't sleep so I flip through the channels. I should read, because I think that I would fall back to sleep instead of getting involved in a show at 2am or flipping through the channels. Any way I am getting off the point. Lately the past few weeks. I have come across this guy Joel Osteen. I'm not sure if you call it an infomercial or what but he always grabs my attention. Who is this guy? I don't even know what religion he is trying to sell, all I do know is I swear he gets into my head and talks directly at me. For instance last week I was winded in bed and was giving up and wanted to just throw the covers over my head and call it a day. I came across Joel while flipping and he was telling me about this guy who had this lung disease and that he was in the hospital and the guy who shared a room with him would talk about everything outside the window; the people and animals. The guy with the lung disease was to sick to get out of bed to go look outside the window. I think this went on for a few days and sadly the guy who would tell him about what was outside ended up passing. Then one day the guy with the lung disease got stronger to walk over to the window but when he looked out all he was saw a concrete wall to another wing of the hospital. He asked what happened to the view and the nurse told him that the man he shared a room with was blind. So, Joel was telling us (me) to always look on the brighter side. Remember the good and not reflect on the bad.
Then today, I saw him again while flipping the channels. All week I have been struggling with my belief in God. Not so much my belief because I am a big believer that there is a God and that I will one day be in heaven. I was having more problems with why do I have to go through all these health problems? What did I do to deserve this? Why do I have to worry about not living to see my son graduate high school, college, or get married? Why can't I grow old and sit in a rocking chair with my husband and look back to these days? Then Joel talked about how people doubt what the lord can do for them. That he always has a plan. That people should thank God for what he's done for us and not worry because he will help us through everything. He talked about the red sea opening up for people and instantly they worried about food and their next step instead of rejoicing that God helped them through this obstacle and he will help them continually. So he was telling me, that God has got me this far, when some doctors said I wouldn't make it 5 years, he got me past that. That if I start believing in myself and him and focus on the good not the bad that there might be hope for me after all. That God will be there for me, that he has a plan for me and for me not to worry.
I swear this guy gets into my head while I'm sleeping or its a message from God that I always end up on a channel with him on it. I'm not the big Jump up and testify yelling "Alleluia" (sp) type of religious person but I am a believer and I know things happen for a reason. I think that there's a reason why Joel Osteen jumps out at me. I'm not sure what the whole Lakewood church is all about but the things he says catches my attention and I swear the TV or actually he is talking directly at me. I may need to check out his book and see what else he has to say.

Amen, Praise the Lord and all that other stuff, someone has caused me not to flip the channels and listen to a Pastor.


  • At 5:55 AM, Blogger Schmoop said…

    Hey Carmen,

    A couple of things about Osteen..He is a "Word Faith" pastor who never went to divinity school..He took over the church from his Dad. "Word Faith" means that God will give you whatever you ask for as long as you put it into words. Benny Hinn, Paul Crouch, and Kenneth Copeland are other prominent "Word Faith" pastors.

    God is not in charge, you are, just by asking Him to make your desires materialize. A quote by Osteen:

    "You've got to speak it out. Your words have creative power. One of the primary ways we release our faith is through our words. There is a divine connection between you declaring God's favor and seeing God's favor manifested in your life. And some of you are doing your best to please the Lord. You are living a holy consecrated life, but you're not really experiencing God's supernatural favor. And it's simply because you're not declaring it. You've got to give life to your faith by speaking it out."

    Seems kinda whacky to me...Hey if he helps you get thru hard times, that's great, just thought I'd give you some background info...

    Have a Good One,


  • At 1:21 PM, Blogger Rex White said…


    WONDERFUL post. I'm glad that someone spoke in a way that made you think about God perhaps a little differently than you had. I'm not so sure I'm all about the "Word Faith" deal, but its not about what I believe - its about your believe.

    I'm not going to get overly relig here, but this scripture means a lot to me:

    Proverbs 3:5-6
    "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways, acknowledge him and he will make your paths straight."

    Its not always for us to understand his ways, but his ways are perfect. If we lean on that and not trust on our own understanding, he truly will make our paths straight. I've seen it happen.

    Love ya!


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