Good Times and Boxed Whine

Saturday, November 03, 2007


Thank you again for all the support you've been giving us. The family is truly awed be the amount of people that have called, written, sent food and wine, or have been supporting behind the scenes. Carmen made a difference in this world, and we call all see that by your reactions. There are so many people to thank!!! Thanks to the Chiefs at DSU and North Island for all you are doing behind the scenes. Thanks to all of you also afflicted with Scleroderma who have spoken up for Carmen. Keep the fight up for her! Thanks to Margaritaville Key West, I can't even begin to list all of the things you've done. Thanks to all Carmen's friends, old and new, you have been wonderful. Thanks to Carmen's past co-workers, many I've never met, for loving Carmen so much. Also, I want to thank all those people I've been friends with that are now live all around the world, but reaching out to me at this time. I'll buy you a beer someday when we get together again. If I forgot to mention you then I'm really sorry. Those of you I've called and asked favors of for Carmen's funeral... I can't tell you how much you mean to me. Thanks Michelle for flying out here for Sharon and helping us out.

I'm going back to my private self here soon. No blogs or myspace for awhile. Please feel free to e-mail me at if you want to contact me. I'll still read the responses from her two websites. If you are planning on attending the funeral and I don't know it, please e-mail me and let me know. I have to make a guest list so that you can get on base.

Thanks Again!
