1. A relative just commited a very serious crime, do you turn them in?If it's something like drug possession, no.. I’d just lecture them. Murder or something like that then I believe I would. Hopefully I won’t ever have to deal with that.
2. Your lover of 10 years has cheated on you, do you stay or go?I believe I’d leave but again I’d hope I wouldn’t have to deal with that situation.
3. How do you hope you will die?Quickly. in my sleep would be the best answer I think.
4. Are you afraid of dying?A little, more for what will happen to my family but not so much of me dying.
5. Recall your worst nightmare, what was it about?I have so many nightmares that its hard to remember them all but one I have a lot is a white van pulling up besides me as I was walking on a sidewalk. A man ran up on me, grabbed me and then him and his two guys friends rap me in the van then throw me out in the street and drive off.
6. Your best friend makes a move on your lover, how do you handle that?I think I’d kick her ass and if I couldn’t then I’d fight dirty. I don’t think my “best” friends would ever do that but you never know I guess.
7. If there were a fountain of youth, would you drink from it?Yes I loved my youth. But like Allie said there probably is a catch.
8. If a magic potion could make someone love you, would you slip it to them?Yes but I’d probably give it to the wrong person by accident and have some crazy stalking me or something.
9. What if a potion could make your enemy miserable?Yes, only one male I have in mind. I know its bad for the karma. But sweet revenge would be nice.
10. You're in the woods, alone, at night...are you honestly not afraid?HELL No , I saw the Blair Witch Project, I’d be scared as shit.
11. If your bf/gf had to move out of state, would you leave your family?I already left my family for that very reason. Situation wouldn't quite apply to my life anymore.
12. And if you had to move, could you leave your lover and family?I would never leave my child.
13. You're never going to see your lover again, what do you need them to know? I'd let him know that I was sorry for being such a difficult person.
14. An envelope is on the ground, it's full of money. Do you keep it?No I’d turn it in hoping that the person gave me something for being honest.
15. You witness a crime, do you call the police or get involved in any way?Yes. Of course no matter what, I’d get involved if I personally witnessed it.
16. Is abortion ever an option?Definitely, I’m pro- choice.
17. If you were drafted into the war, would you serve or try to avoid serving?I'm against conscription, but if I was drafted and couldn't get out of it, then I'd do what I had to do. I guess thank God they’ve never drafted woman because I am not sure what I’d do. I’m a coward to war and guns but I’d serve my country if I had to. Man that’s a deep/tough question.
18. If you could say one thing to President Bush right now what would it be?"I think you are a dispicable failure and embarrassment of a human being and you have disgraced the office of the President to the point where I am not sure if it will ever recover. I am only thankful my children are not old enough to have to actively live through the political rancor, cynicism, and downright hopelessness you have foisted upon this country, but I am sure with the poor governing trends you and your unethical administration are setting, they won't have to wait too long. Oh yeah- and it's pronounced nuCLE-AR." Well I wont say I feel as deeply as Allie does but I will leave it because she sounded pretty darn good to me.
19. Was the 9/11 attack planned by our own government?I highly doubt it
20. A parent confides in you that they are gay. Now how do you view gay rights?Same way I've always viewed them. There is nothing wrong with being gay, and they should have all of the rights and privileges that the rest of us have.
21. A loved one on life support for years, could you finally let them go?Man these questions are causing all sorts of drama in my house. Good thing we are drinking and can blame alcohol on our answers tomorrow. Yes. Because I’d get his life insurance. LOL!! No, I’d not take him off. When God is ready he’ll take him away. You just never know when God is going to give you a miracle.
22. You are on life support, what would you want a loved one to do about it?Like I said in #21 I’d want God to take me when he was ready for me. Rather I’m on life support for one day or 100 years. He will take me when he’s ready. If he wanted me dead he’d have me already. Let him decide not anyone else.
23. A friend just fell over a very high bridge, do you jump to save them?What friend of mine would be on a “very high bridge” with me? Any real friend would know I’m scared of heights.
24. If you honestly were abducted by aliens, would you ever tell?Well, if they brought me back then sure! lol I mean, who else would remove the anal probe? Hahahaha Again I agree with you Allie.
25. You've contracted a deadly disease, how would you live your life thereafter?I’d live my life like it was my last. I wouldn’t have any regrets and just have fun for the rest of my life. Doing things I love and have never done but wanted to do.
26. Your child has only awhile to live; do you still enroll them in school?Not unless that was something they wanted. Again I agree with you Allie. If need be I’d home school or I’d do what was on question #25.
27. How would you feel if you met your idol and they ended up being rude?I would be devastated it Mathew
Mcconaughey I always picture him to be a perfect southern gentleman
28. According to the tale, was Eve wrong for eating and sharing the apple?No.
29. If the only way to pay a ransom was to commit a crime, would you?If it was meant to protect my son, husband, brother, mom or dad then yes. I’d have to.
30. Think of who you love most, and describe them in one word...loyal